Part of FDGA messaging for “Show Your Work”

attachments on this page by label:


“Hundreds of Georgia citizens gave testimony at the eleven public town halls and consistently they said...”

select letter #1 or #2 below and close with the “ask” specified below.

Letter #1

Questioned the necessity of splitting 2/3’s of Georgia’s small cities into multiple districts when they could easily fit into a single district. Feel their community’s electoral influence has been watered down to the point of limited or no representation.


Examples to choose from:

  1. LaGrange (Troup, middle GA) - before 2010 redrawing of district lines, had one Senate district.  After redistricting, was split into 2 Senate districts and 3 House districts

  2. Athens (Clarke) - before 2010 had one Congressional district.  After redistricting was divided into 2 Congressional districts.  The smallest county in GA has 2 Congressional districts, 2 state senate districts and 3 state house districts.

  3. Gwinnett - has multiple cities that have been split (Duluth, Lawrenceville, Lilburn, Snellville, Sugar Hill, Suwanee)

  4. Forest Park (Clayton) - Before 2010, 1 Senate district…after 2

  5. Woodstock (Cherokee) - Before 2010, 1 Senate district…after 3

  6. Tifton (Tift, South GA) - Before 2010, 1 House district…after 3

  7. Waycross (Ware, South GA) - Before 2010, 2 House districts…after 4

There are more examples available at FDGA website in the Map Room.

Letter #2 

Want maps drawn based upon community input given at the public town hall hearings.


Ask reader to contact __________(a committee member(s) and/or their legislator and ask:

References attached below:

CHARGE media release kit, provides some good statements for why fair districts matter.